There are four ways for people to be a member of the Black Rock Society.

  1. Donate land fully or as a bargain sale to NICHES
  2. Make a planned gift to NICHES in your estate plan
  3. Contribute 10K to NICHES and become a Lifetime member
  4. Contribute 1K or more to be a member for a year

But really, why limit yourself to just one.

Why We Support NICHES

mary sue peter

"Mary Sue and I arrived in Lafayette in 1975 as coastal chauvinists, having grown up with access to mountains and deserts in the American Southwest. But we soon found out that Indiana, while perhaps short on big chunks of public land and topography, had plenty of riverine, wetland, prairie and forest gems and even more important, plenty of people who cared. In 1975 Alton Lindsey had just cataloged outstanding Natural Areas of Indiana and the Nature Conservancy was starting up; by 1995, our far-sighted founding volunteers created NICHES; and in 2007, we gained our outstanding and dynamic executive director, Gus Nyberg.

"NICHES was an idea whose time was ripe -- all of us need wild land with public access! Its success is beyond anything that I think was imagined at its beginning, whether measured by land protected, membership growth and enthusiasm, or the range of public service, education, and outreach activities it now engages in. It’s now a national model for private nonprofits engaged in land stewardship – discussed even out where we now vacation in the American Southwest!

— Peter and Mary Sue Waser


Image: Purple fringed orchid located at the Hoffman Easement

Contact NICHES Today!
"I'm grateful to be a part of the NICHES family, and to be able to see the fruition of the hard work of the staff and volunteers. I'm rejuvenated in nature; my calmness is restored and I feel hopeful for the near- and long-term. Support of this organization will require more than our hands pulling garlic mustard; over the years, our gifts to the operations and to the endowments will continue to support this important work and help deliver protected lands to ours and future generations."

— Denise Laussade

Image of Denise taken on the Wildcat Voyage of Discovery (annual trip camping trip down Wildcat Creek) at NICHES’ Sixbey property

denise laussade
Nonprofit Status

NICHES Land Trust is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We protect west-central Indiana's native ecosystems and connect people to nature. Federal tax ID: 35-1964901.

Source of Funding

NICHES is not funded by tax dollars and we do not receive support from county, state, or federal government organizations. We rely on the support of people, foundations, businesses and other entities.

NICHES Meaning

Have you ever wondered about the name? NICHES stands for Northern Indiana Citizens Helping Ecosystems Survive. We protect a 'niche here' and a 'niche there' to preserve a high quality of life.

Accredited Land Trust

Through demonstration of fiscal accountability, strong organizational leadership, sound transactions and lasting stewardship, NICHES holds accreditation from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission.

Complicated questions don’t always have complicated answers.
By joining NICHES you make it possible to protect your natural surroundings.
 If you've read this far, thank you. Now GO OUTSIDE! 
1782 N 400 E, Lafayette, IN 47905
(765) 423-1605
NICHES Land Trust
NICHES Properties