Clegg Memorial Garden
Clegg Garden resides on the hillside overlooking state scenic waterway Wildcat Creek. The slopes feature a rare gravel hill prairie ecosystem. From creekside to hilltop elevation changes 100 feet, making for excellent hiking opportunities along the mile plus of trail. The looping trails meander through oak woodland, gravel hill prairie, riparian corridor, and savanna.
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Journaling Station
- Trails
- Wildflowers
- Junior Ranger Activities
County: Tippecanoe

Frank and Ada Beineke Memorial Forest
Frank and Ada Beineke Memorial Forest protects a portion of Indian Creek, which flows through the property north to south. Indian Creek is a great place to look for ebony jewelwing damselflies, cricket frogs and other aquatic denizens.
- Bird Watching
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- No Trails
- Wildflowers
County: Tippecanoe

Granville Sand Barrens / Roy Whistler Wildlife Area
The wind-blown sand from the bed of the glacial aged Maume Flood on the Wabash River over-topping the rich glacial out-wash of the Wea Plains creates a very rare and varied interface of substrate that supports a diverse group of native plant and animal species.
- Bird Watching
- Trails
- Wildflowers
County: Tippecanoe

Herb and Dortha Parker’s Hickory Grove Farm
The land is a mixture of woods, farm pond and former pasture with trails that welcome exploration of the land and our relationship to the natural world. The property has a private residence that is home to the caretaker of the property, please respect their privacy.
- Bird Watching
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- Trails
- Wildflowers
County: Tippecanoe

Laura Hare Bend of the Wabash (East & West)
Laura Hare Bend of the Wabash (East & West) protects riparian ecosystems in the floodplain of the Wabash River. Both preserves feature recovering former ag land and forested areas dominated by cottonwoods, sycamores, and honey locusts. Laura Hare Bend of the Wabash (East) contains nearly 30 acres of rare sand barrens habitat that NICHES stewardship is working to reclaim and restore. Both preserves also present an opportunity to expand the…
- Bird Watching
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- No Trails
- Wildflowers
County: Tippecanoe

Approximately an acre of land, Mis-So-Lah serves as an access point to the State Scenic & Recreation portion of the Northfork of Wildcat Creek; enabling paddlers to put-in for or take-out after a float.
- Paddling
- Junior Ranger Activities
County: Tippecanoe

Mulvey Pond
Mulvey Pond is well known by the local birding community as a hot spot to see waterfowl in spring, snow geese in winter and shorebirds coming through during migration. In fact, Mulvey Pond served was the first place that greater sandhill cranes returned to nest and summer in after being gone from the county for decades as a breeding bird.
- Bird Watching
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- Trails
County: Tippecanoe

Parker's Indian Creek Basin
Parker's Indian Creek Basin is a lowland floodplain along the Wabash River, frequently flooded and subject to periods of extreme wet or utter dry, depending on annual rainfall upstream . The restoration is in progress. During the transition to a forested system, a visit to Parker's Indian Creek provides an educational insight into the scale and scope of restoration and land management.
- Bird Watching
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- No Trails
- Wildflowers
County: Tippecanoe

Peter’s Mill Landing
Peter’s Mill is an access point to the Wildcat Creek; the final access point before the Wabash River, in fact. The site sits just downstream of Peter's Mill Bridge off of Eisenhower Court and across from Clegg Memorial Garden.
- Fishing
- No Trails
- Paddling
- Junior Ranger Activities
County: Tippecanoe

- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Wildflowers
County: Tippecanoe

Wabash Bottoms: Janssen Tract
Wabash Bottoms is an example of collaborative conservation: forty-five acres of the seventy-acre property belong to NICHES (marked with property boundary signs). The remaining acreage, the 200 foot strip along the river, and the field south of the NICHES sign, belong to the Tippecanoe County Department of Parks and Recreation, who partnered with us for the acquisition.
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- No Trails
- Wildflowers
County: Tippecanoe

Wabash Breaks & Carter's Point
Carter’s Point & Wabash Breaks protect rare gravel hill prairies along Wea Creak near the Wabash River. These properties were protected by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to preserve one of the rarest and ecologically distinct grassland community types in Indiana. Both properties are state dedicated nature preserves. In October 2021, TNC transferred the properties to NICHES Land Trust for their permanent protection and stewardship. Due to limited road access and…
County: Tippecanoe

Wise Island
Wise Island is a two acre island in the middle of the Wabash River in northeast corner of Tippecanoe county, near Americus. The island is comprised of silver maples, cottonwoods and NETTLES. Abundant bird life visit or nest on the island, including Belted Kingfishers and Bald Eagles.
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- No Trails
- Paddling
County: Tippecanoe