Ways to Give
Protect, Restore, and Sustain the Land for Our Shared Future.
Give Now
NICHES Land Trust was founded as a nonprofit in 1995 that relied on the support of community members to carry out our mission. Today, we still operate through the generosity of people like you. Individuals, businesses and foundations provide the financial support needed to steward the land we protect and provide places for people to connect to nature.
100% of your donation is spent locally to preserve the natural areas for now and forever.
You can also contribute to NICHES Land Trust through the donation of:
- Stock and Securities
- Land & Real Estate
- In-Kind Services
- Qualified Charitable Distributions
Give for the Future
Through gift planning, you have an opportunity to ensure that NICHES Land Trust can continue to protect, restore, and sustain local ecosystems. NICHES offers multiple planned giving options to help you achieve your financial and philanthropic goals, while supporting NICHES.
You may bequeath a gift to NICHES in the form of a dollar amount, a specific property, a percentage of your estate, or what remains after your loved ones have been provided for. Consult your financial and legal advisor about the benefits and methods of making a planned gift to be sure which option is right for you.
By making your plans known to NICHES, you will become a member of the Black Rock Society–named or anonymous as you request. We will not publish your name or give your information to anyone without your permission.
To ensure your gift may be used as you intend, please contact NICHES for options before designating a gift. If you have already made plans for NICHES, we would love to know now so that we can recognize your generosity during your lifetime.
Make a Donation
To learn more, please contact NICHES Development Director,
Ann Fields Monical, at ann@nicheslandtrust.org or (765) 423-1605.
Nonprofit Status
NICHES Land Trust is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We protect west-central Indiana's native ecosystems and connect people to nature.
Federal tax ID: 35-1964901.
The Vancendak's Story
Hoosier families who have loved owning natural lands reach out to NICHES Land Trust to further preserve and protect their properties. Families like the Vacendak's and their Newton County acres are grateful to be able to share their land with NICHES and the public.
If you wish to include NICHES in your legacy, please contact us so we can help guide you in making a gift that suits your own needs while having maximum impact on our mission.
Examples of Planned Gifts
Making a bequest has no out of pocket cost, and the value of the bequest can reduce your taxable estate. In your Will, you can leave a parcel of land, a specific sum, or a percentage of your estate, which creates a bequest in proportion to the value of your estate.
Revocable Living Trust
Like a Will, a Living Trust is created with your legal counsel. Unlike a Will, the Living Trust is not probated; this protects the privacy of your last wishes.
Charitable Remainder Trust
By making an irrevocable gift to a Charitable Remainder Trust, you can receive income for your lifetime. The remainder reverts to NICHES after your lifetime or a fixed period of time.
Life Insurance and Retirement Plans
Naming NICHES as a beneficiary of an existing or new policy makes a generous bequest at minimal cost. When you also name NICHES as the owner of the policy, you receive an immediate charitable deduction, and premium payments are deductible.
NICHES Land Trust currently has eight endowments that benefit our work. If you choose to donate via an endowment, you have the opportunity to help grow one of our existing endowments or create your own.

— Walter and Kay Beineke
Black Rock Society –
Estate Plan Donor
By joining the Black Rock Society as an Estate Plan Donor, you join others in shaping the future of NICHES Land Trust with your contribution.

— Lenard Miller and Dianne Talbot
For more information about Planned Giving, please email NICHES Land Trust at niches@nicheslandtrust.org or call 765-423-1605.
Nonprofit Status
NICHES Land Trust is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We protect west-central Indiana's native ecosystems and connect people to nature. Federal tax ID: 35-1964901.
Source of Funding
NICHES is not funded by tax dollars and we do not receive support from county, state, or federal government organizations. We rely on the support of people, foundations, businesses and other entities.
NICHES Meaning
Have you ever wondered about the name? NICHES stands for Northern Indiana Citizens Helping Ecosystems Survive. We protect a 'niche here' and a 'niche there' to preserve a high quality of life.
Accredited Land Trust
Through demonstration of fiscal accountability, strong organizational leadership, sound transactions and lasting stewardship, NICHES holds accreditation from the Land Trust Accreditation Commission.