Properties in Trust

Together we're protecting a 'niche here' and a 'niche there' to preserve the wonderful biodiversity in west-central Indiana. 

NICHES manages properties across a 13 county area of west-central Indiana. The service area includes distinct geological areas.

NICHES Land Trust owns nearly all of the land we steward. The lands are open to the public, free of charge from dawn to dusk December 1 through October 31, and some are open daily year round. Visit a property and explore the wonders of native Indiana ecosystems. 

Remember the following when visiting a property:

  1. Practice ‘leave no trace’ hiking – if you carry an item on the property, carry it off again, including trash, food wrappers, beverage containers, etc.
  2. Dress for walking in the outdoors – comfortable closed-toed shoes are recommended. Layers help prevent being overheated or chilled. Long pants and long sleeves prevent your skin being exposed to insect bites or plants that cause skin reactions.
  3. Bring a water bottle for proper hydration.
  4. Use a camera to capture stunning natural landscape and nature pictures.
  5. No restroom facilities at the properties.


View a full list of properties in all counties

View each property by county:

  1. Benton
  2. Carroll
  3. Cass
  4. Clinton
  5. Fountain
  6. Howard
  7. Jasper
  8. Montgomery
  9. Newton
  10. Pulaski (no properties)
  11. Tippecanoe
  12. Warren
  13. White

Browse all NICHES Properties.

Be sure to use the toggle on the left to open the list of all properties by name and location.
You can also share and view in full screen by using the icons on the top right.

Access to the map shown above is available from your smart phone by downloading the free Explorer for ArcGIS app.

This app can provide geolocation so you can track where you are on NICHES properties.

Once downloaded, search for “NICHES Land Trust Preserve Map.”






Complicated questions don’t always have complicated answers.
By joining NICHES you make it possible to protect your natural surroundings.
 If you've read this far, thank you. Now GO OUTSIDE! 
1782 N 400 E, Lafayette, IN 47905
(765) 423-1605
NICHES Land Trust
NICHES Properties