
Arconic Grant Spurs Stewardship


Last summer, NICHES Land Trust received a $25,000 grant from the Arconic Foundation for its conservation projects and community engagement programs. This generous grant allowed NICHES to perform vital tasks including the removal of non-native invasive species, prescribed fires, and the removal of non-desired tree species to provide more light to native flowers and grasses.

NICHES utilized this funding to implement stewardship strategies that restored and improved ecological health of habitats across our 13-county region. Funded work included invasive species removal, native seed collection, maintenance on the organization's 16.5 miles of trails, and the purchase of additional native plant seeds and plugs.

"NICHES main goals are to provide bio-diverse habitats as free, publicly accessible nature preserves to the community and to connect people to nature. Our work would not be possible without the support of the many generous individuals and businesses that believe in protecting the environment for future generations," says Ann Fields Monical, NICHES Development Director.

Arconic Foundation builds partnerships and supports organizations like NICHES in order to strengthen our community. Arconic Foundation is a generous funder for projects that enhance education through skill-building learning experiences, promote environmental sustainability, and advance social equity.

In addition to supporting land conservation, this grant from Arconic supported NICHES' Summer Adventure Camp in June 2023. During the weeklong sessions, youth campers ages 11-14 participate in a variety of immersive nature experiences throughout the week, including canoeing and floating down local waterways, art projects, trail camera projects, and hands-on educational programs. NICHES was able to offer scholarships to families requested financial assistance in addition to purchasing camp supplies with the granted funds.


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1782 N 400 E, Lafayette, IN 47905
(765) 423-1605
NICHES Land Trust
NICHES Properties