RSVP required to or call 765-423-1605, unless otherwise noted.

All times eastern daylight savings time.

Fisher Oak Savanna Garlic Mustard Pull Shift 2

Stewardship Work Day
April 13, 2025 1:00 pm


Join us at Fisher Oak Savanna for NICHES 6th annual coordinated volunteer effort against our region's worst springtime invasive species: GARLIC MUSTARD! More information about our Annual War of the Weeds can be found at

Please click HERE to register to volunteer

All volunteers who register for 2 or more pulling shifts by the end of March will receive this year’s Garlic Mustard ID bandanna! All property information and directions can be found at Participants will receive reminder emails with info / property directions / and any updates 2 days before their scheduled shifts 

Please email with any questions.

Note: garlic mustard is hard to predict, some shift locations and target species may change as we get a better idea of where volunteer help is needed the most. Participants will be notified by email of any location changes immediately!

Complicated questions don’t always have complicated answers.
By joining NICHES you make it possible to protect your natural surroundings.
 If you've read this far, thank you. Now GO OUTSIDE! 
1782 N 400 E, Lafayette, IN 47905
(765) 423-1605
NICHES Land Trust
NICHES Properties