NICHES Jack-O'-Lantern Hike
October 24 - 26, 2025
Festive Fun at Clegg Memorial Gardens
Jack-O'-Lantern Hike - October 24-26, 2025
Nighttime Stroll
Join NICHES Land Trust for festive fun at Clegg Memorial Gardens! Families can enjoy a non-scary, nighttime stroll along a trail lit with Jack-O'-Lanterns carved by community members. It's a magical experience in nature that supports NICHES and its mission to protect, restore and sustain Northern Indiana’s ecosystems.
Set Your Own Pace
Participants can go at their own pace along a self-guided, ¾-mile-long loop in the woods. Please note that this trail includes rugged terrain with steps and hills. Sturdy shoes and a flashlight are highly recommended.
Carve a Pumpkin
Guests are also invited to vote for their favorite Jack-O'-Lantern in our 5th annual contest during the event. If you are interested in submitting a carved pumpkin for the event, click here.
Advanced registration is required as limited spots are available. This event is free for current NICHES Members. Non-members are also invited to participate at the rate of $5 per hiker.
Participants must select a specific start time during registration to keep the event running smoothly. Parking is limited – please carpool if you can.
For more information:
Please contact the NICHES Land Trust office at (765) 423-1605 or email