Newton County Woodland Landowner Hike
Have woodland management questions? Join us for an easy 1-mile trail walk while we have a discussion on NICHES work at Holley Savanna. On the walk, we will discuss the winter ‘19/’20 harvest, the pre and post-harvest work on-site, controlled burning, and the woodland animals that have benefited from the work. Please come with questions!
Who to contact:
Bri Ciara at (219) 285-2217 or NEWTONSOILWATER@GMAIL.COM
Holley Savanna - Tour starts near the North Star Cemetery directly south of our Holley Savanna preserve in Newton County
How to Get There:
Directions from I-65. Go west on SR 114. Go north on SR 55. Go West on county road 100 S. Park at North Star Cemetery. Holley Savanna is to the north.