RSVP required to or call 765-423-1605, unless otherwise noted.

All times eastern daylight savings time.

Newton County Woodland Landowner Hike

May 06, 2021 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Have woodland management questions? Join us for an easy 1-mile trail walk while we have a discussion on NICHES work at Holley Savanna. On the walk, we will discuss the winter ‘19/’20 harvest, the pre and post-harvest work on-site, controlled burning, and the woodland animals that have benefited from the work. Please come with questions! 

Who to contact:

Bri Ciara at (219) 285-2217 or NEWTONSOILWATER@GMAIL.COM


Holley Savanna - Tour starts near the North Star Cemetery directly south of our Holley Savanna preserve in Newton County

Link to Map

How to Get There:

Directions from I-65. Go west on SR 114. Go north on SR 55. Go West on county road 100 S. Park at North Star Cemetery. Holley Savanna is to the north.

Complicated questions don’t always have complicated answers.
By joining NICHES you make it possible to protect your natural surroundings.
 If you've read this far, thank you. Now GO OUTSIDE! 
1782 N 400 E, Lafayette, IN 47905
(765) 423-1605
NICHES Land Trust
NICHES Properties